Core Faculty
Amy Mueller is an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, marine and environmental sciences, and electrical and computer engineering. She has joint appointments within the College of Science and the College of Engineering.
Her research focuses on operationalizing sensors and high-resolution data streams to improve understanding of natural and engineered systems, provide actionable information to resource managers in urban and natural landscapes, and underpin real-time autonomous control of environmental infrastructures such as stormwater or wastewater systems. Mueller develops novel sensors, deploys sensor arrays and networks, and adapts machine learning and other advanced data analytics to embed knowledge of system physics for trustworthy application to environmental contexts. She also integrates science and engineering knowledge to design the most cost-effective sensor systems to achieve project goals.
She is the recipient of the Northeastern University Excellence in Teaching Award, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, the MIT-Xerox Fellowship, the Geological Society of America Graduate Research Grant, and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Mueller is also a member of the American Geophysical Union, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
She completed her postdoctoral research at MIT after earning a doctoral degree in environmental chemistry and a Master of Engineering from MIT.