Annika Schoene
Research Scientist

Annika Marie Schoene is a research scientist at the Institute for Experiential AI in the Responsible AI Practice. Annika holds a faculty fellow position at the Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research and is a visiting scientist at Maine Health. Her current work investigates how social, economic, political and physical factors are driving forces behind health inequalities using AI. More specifically, she focuses on social determinants of mental health using NLP and their impact on onset and progression of mental health conditions, especially suicidal ideation and substance use disorders.
Before joining EAI she was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Manchester in the National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM), where she worked on NLP for mental health and named entity recognition for both textual social media data as well as health science. Annika holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Hull (UK) and as a graduate student she has worked on (i) accurate classification of sentiment / emotion in textual social media data and (ii) detecting suicide notes / suicidal ideation in textual data using her deep learning, machine learning and linguistic knowledge.