Gregor Strojin
Senior Advisor to the President, Supreme Court of Slovenia

Gregor Strojin is a senior advisor to the president of Slovenia and has been primarily working with the Supreme Court of Slovenia since 2002. He is also the vice chair of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence at the Council of Europe, which is preparing and negotiating a legally binding transversal instrument for the design, development, and application of AI in line with the Council of Europe standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Gregor has extensive experience in the crossroads of technology, information, human rights, and law, from theoretical, practical, and policy perspectives, and has led or contributed to many acclaimed projects improving the effectiveness, quality, and access to justice. His focus areas include AI regulation initiatives, AI for justice and law enforcement, regulatory compliance policies and mechanisms, and impact assessment methodologies.From 2019 to 20121, Gregor served as the chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on AI, which produced the acclaimed feasibility study and the elements for a potential legal instrument, thus creating a basis for a future international treaty in the field of AI. He also collaborates with the European Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and UNESCO on initiatives in AI regulation. Gregor is a member of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice and its CYBERJUST working group. He collaborates with a number of organizations on technology and information-related policy issues. Previously, Gregor served as the state secretary at the Ministry of Justice of Slovenia and as a member of the National Statistical Council.He is a bar-qualified lawyer in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with a Master of Laws in international and comparative law and a specialization in information technology and intellectual property law from the Chicago-Kent College of Law. In 2021, Gregor ranked as one of Politico Europe’s Tech 28 for being one of the 28 power players behind Europe’s tech revolution.