Justin Manjourides
Core Faculty

Justin Manjourides is an associate professor at Bouve College of Health Sciences and a core faculty member at the Institute for Experiential AI. He is a biostatistician and observational health researcher helping cultivate the next generation of real-world evidence (RWE) researchers. His leadership in RWE includes being co-PI for the Real-World Health Navigator Impact Engine, directing the MS in RWE program, and advising several PhD students. He also co-lead the Data Modeling and Analytics Cores for the PROTECT and ECHO Centers at Northeastern, two centers dedicated to studying the links between exposures to environmental contamination and adverse birth and child development outcomes. His methodological research into novel statistical techniques has generally revolved around improving how missing or mis-measured data can be appropriately considered in complex statistical analyses. Through all his work, he thoughtfully blends classical statistical models with modern computational methods, such as machine learning and AI, to analyze large and complex datasets efficiently, but more important: appropriately.