Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Marko Milosevic is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute for Experiential AI. He specializes in the applications of machine learning to healthcare in the Amal Lab for Precision Medicine. His current research focuses on early detection of adverse health events using electronic healthcare records and utilizing deep learning to uncover connections between genotype and phenotype. He has also published a literature review on the applications of artificial intelligence to multimodal imaging for cardiovascular diseases.
Marko Milosevic completed his doctorate in mathematics from the University of Georgia in 2018. His previous research and publications covered the torsion groups of elliptic curves. He has taught at several universities, including the University of Massachusetts Boston, the Wentworth Institute of Technology, and Boston University.
Ph.D. Area: Mathematics
Lead Mentor: Saeed Amal
Project Name: Predicting, Preventing, and Reacting to Adverse Events in the Cardiothoracic Surgery ICU