Momin Malik
Senior Data Science Analyst for AI Ethics, Mayo Clinic's Center for Digital Health

Momin M. Malik is a senior data science analyst for AI Ethics at the Mayo Clinic’s Center for Digital Health. He is also an instructor at the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania and a fellow at the Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, & Mixed Methodologies. His focus areas include science, technology, and society (STS), social science, machine learning, network science, and methodology. Momin’s work brings statistics and machine learning together with critical perspectives from social science to consider when, how, and why data and modeling succeed in their aims—and when, how, and why they can fail, within areas like policy, public health, medicine, law, education, government, journalism, social science, tech industry, civil society, and more. He holds a bachelor’s in History of Science from Harvard University, a master’s from the Oxford Internet Institute, a master’s in machine learning and a doctorate in societal computing from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University