Wanda Muñoz

Senior Consultant, Inclusion and Gender Equality

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Wanda Muñoz
Senior Consultant, Inclusion and Gender Equality

Wanda Muñoz is an international consultant with more than fifteen years of experience in human rights implementation. Her focus is in the fields of socioeconomic inclusion, gender equality, response to gender-based violence, and disability rights. A former humanitarian worker, Wanda contributes to the development of international humanitarian law and focuses on ethical and humanitarian perspectives of the use of artificially intelligent weapons systems.

As a member of the Human Security Network in Latin America and the Caribbean, Wanda addresses diverse international forums on the ethical stakes of autonomous weaponry. She has worked at project and policy levels in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America with organizations including the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Capital Development Fund, the United Nations Office for Project Services, Humanity & Inclusion, Plan International, and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. She has also advised ministries in different continents. Wanda was nominated by the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an independent expert to the Responsible AI working group of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence. She raises awareness on how human rights standards, gender equality programs, and international development practices should guide ethical AI to avoid causing harm. She was also invited to join the Latin America chapter of the Feminist AI research network.

Wanda is a Mexican citizen. She works in Spanish, French, and English and holds a dual master’s degree in International Affairs from Columbia University in New York and Science Po Paris, with a specialization in economic and political development. She has a bachelor’s degree in international relations and a certificate of feminist analysis of public policies from Tecnológico de Monterrey. Wanda has worked in Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Colombia, and France, among others.