Affiliate Faculty
Woodrow Hartzog holds joint professorship appointments in the School of Law and the Khoury College of Computer Sciences. His research focuses on privacy, contracts, media, and robotics.
Numerous scholarly journals have published Hartzog’s work including, the Yale Law Journal, Columbia Law Review, California Law Review, and Michigan Law Review, as well as major media outlets like the BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, The Guardian, Wired, New Scientist, Slate, The Atlantic, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Nation. He has testified multiple times before Congress and has been quoted and referenced by numerous media outlets.
Hartzog is the author of Privacy’s Blueprint: The Battle to Control the Design of New Technologies (Harvard University Press) and co-author of Breached! Why Data Security Law Fails and How to Improve It (Oxford University Press).
He earned his doctoral degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, his Master of Laws from George Washington University Law School, his Juris Doctor from Stamford University, and a bachelor’s degree from Stamford University.