AI Event

This October: The State of AI in Precision Health

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May 29, 2024
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This October: The State of AI in Precision Health

This October, the Institute for Experiential AI will host a special event in Boston for clinicians, researchers, laboratory heads, policymakers, administrators, and healthcare leaders. The goal is to ask important questions about the complex and evolving relationship between data, AI, life, and health, as well as chart a course for future discovery that works for stakeholders and patients alike.

“The next few years will bring a new health ethos in which clinical care providers and individuals leverage AI to make more informed and personalized decisions,” says Gene Tunik, Director of AI + Health at the Institute for Experiential AI. “Predictive AI models will enable forecasting of our health trajectories. The healthcare workforce will see a shift toward computational medicine and education. This conference is an opportunity to step back and look at where we are now and where we want to be in 10-20 years?”

All industries are taking note of AI solutions that go beyond “off-the-shelf” options. Savvy businesses are working with experts and service providers to develop precision oncology processes, pandemic prediction models, speedier and more accurate disease diagnoses, and many other fascinating applications.

“AI and drug discovery is front-page news in 2024,” says Sam Scarpino, director of AI + Life Sciences at the Institute for Experiential AI. “We will continue to read about the impact of AI throughout the pharmaceutical lifecycle, including various stages of R&D, clinical trial design, regulatory approval, and the identification of novel combination therapies. AI partnerships and investments will be announced by large pharmaceutical companies, venture capital firms, government agencies and private investors.”

Read from more of our experts about how AI is revolutionizing the fields of health and life science. And sign up for our newsletter to keep informed about our October conference: The State of AI in Precision Health.