From Biological Aging Clocks to Longevity Medicine: an AI Odyssey
Human longevity research is at a tipping point. First-generation longevity medicines that target aging are in clinical trials and molecular aging clocks that measure our rate of aging are beginning to show promise. Here, we examine why and how to leverage AI and biomedical big data to transform all aspects of longevity research – from biological age measurements with deep aging clocks to providing personalized anti-aging behavioral recommendations.
Included in this seminar is a demo from Pramod Nagare, a senior data engineer working at EAI’s AI Solutions Hub. The demo is of an ML tool that Ram and Pramod are working on together that serves easy-to-use service so that biologists can apply machine learning techniques to their data.
Flip through the slides from the presentation:
Ramkumar Hariharan, Ph. D, is Data Science Engineering Faculty and the Inaugural Director of College of Engineering Programs at Northeastern, Seattle. He is also senior scientist at the Institute of Experiential Artificial Intelligence (IEAI).
Prior to this, Ram was Head of Applied Artificial Intelligence at Macro-Eyes, Inc, where he led a diverse team of data scientists on global health projects. Ram’s scientific appointments at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the Institute for Systems Biology and at the University of Washington, Seattle all had a common theme – biomedical data science.
In 2007, Ram became the only British Council Researcher Exchange Program awardee from India and the next year, won a Young Scientist award from the Government of India. Before he moved to the US in 2012, Ram served as faculty in a federal research institute in India. During this time, he was made a visiting scientist to RIKEN, Japan to work on big genomic datasets. Ram has also enjoyed sojourns as collaborator at the University of Oxford, UK and at the A* Bioinformatics Institute in Singapore. Ram has been invited multiple times to evaluate scientific proposals for the Governments of Poland and Hong Kong.
Ram is a passionate science and technology communicator and has done work as a freelance science columnist for The Hindu, India’s second – largest national daily newspaper. Ram’s articles in popular culture have attracted large audiences.
When not researching or communicating science, Ram can be found spending time with his wife and daughter, binge- watching sitcoms on CBS or checking out the newest restaurant in town.